This is me after arriving to my surprise. I was confused because Heather said we were leaving for a prenatal massage and then Maritza told me to follow her downstairs. Everyone was sitting there. I knew right then what was going on and after all their months of planning, all I said when I saw everyone waiting for me was, "Hi guys!" The first person my eyes went to was my friend Trisha, whom I haven't seen since her wedding. What a good surprise. In the pic it is me, my friend Steph and Trisha, and my sis Heather.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Surprise Baby Shower!!!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
33 week appt.
We are getting things ready for the nursery. This is what the baby's bedding looks like. 

I went to my 33 week appt. yesterday. Little Ian is still head down. And I am so swollen. My feet and legs are yuck. I can't really claim that I have cankles yet but lets just say that it isn't very attractive. I am measuring slightly big......which isn't any surprise to me. Believe me, every part of my body is saying "pull, stretch, grow, and move over". I will get a picture posted sometime next week. The doctor told me my bones in my inner thighs, pelvis, and butt checks are seperating and that puts a lot of strain on my body. Isn't that strange?! But those are all the places I am hurting, so I don't doubt him.
Also it is no TV week at Matt's school. So Taylor, Matt, and I haven't been watching TV. It feels great! Aaron has the NBA playoffs this week, so he hasn't been able to participate. I really am not much of a TV person, I would much rather me doing something active. That is probably because my parents didn't even own a TV for a bunch of years. We found other ways to entertain ourselves. It has been peaceful and we talk more and play more together.
Another thing.......I am a licensed appraiser. I work for the county. I just got approved by the Division of Real Estate to take an exam to become a certified appraiser. I am not real excited because it is weeks of study and the test takes 6 hours. Yuck! I took practically the same test a year ago to become a licensed appraiser, it was miserable. So I guess I will start studying this weekend, boo! When I graduated from college, I thought I was done with the studying part of my life.....but here I am almost 32, pregnant, and still taking exams. Well pray for me, I get a raise if I pass!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
We have a name!
I sat down with Aaron last night and I told him we need to choose a name because you never know when a baby will decide to come early. We have been trying so long to find a name we like. We both liked Ian (pronounced E-an) but we didn't know if we were in love with it, so we kept on looking. Aaron's favorite names were Tavian, Britton, and Ian. My favorite names were Aidan, Ethan, and Ian. So after nearly 8 months of research.......drum roll please........his name is Ian Alexander. Aaron picked out the middle name. I wanted to name him after one of our dads but Aaron thought he should have a middle name that he could go by if he doesn't like his first name. So there you have it! It sounds pretty good together. Ian Alexander!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Doctor Appointment - 32 weeks
I went to my doctor appointment. The doctor tells you to gain 25-35 lbs. during pregnancy. Well I have gained 20 lbs. and I still have 8 weeks left. My goal was to only gain 25 lbs. but the baby grows so much toward the end that I will be shocked if I can meet my goal. I am usually a very active person. I usually workout at least 45 minutes to 1 1/2 hr., 4 days a week. But in December my ribs started giving me problems and in January my pelvic muscle got pulled. I have been waddling ever since. It hurts more to move. So I been a couch potato for the last 4 months. Needless to say, my target weight gain may be hard to achieve. My baby boy is such a good boy! He is turned in the correct position, head down! I am so proud of him. I can't wait to welcome him to our family. I am excited to share this experience with Aaron. He'll be a fun father. Aaron has been so good to me this pregnancy. He gives me a lot of back rubs. And he is always ready to help me with housework if I ask. Even though I am the one that likes taking care of others, this experience has been good for us, to have Aaron take care of me. It really has brought us closer together.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Camera Problemo!
I want to post new pictures, but I can't =( . I am having serious camera issues. Most of my camera equipment has been in boxes since we moved into this house a year ago. Yeah, I know, I've had a year. The biggest problem is that all the equipment has been in different boxes. So a couple of weeks ago I finally found my battery charger in our storage but now I can't find the USB cable (I think that is what they are called) to upload my pictures to the computer. I am going to offer Matt $5 if he can find it. That kid will do anything for $$$$. In fact his favorite colors are gold and silver. He asks for play money for presents. Either he'll love money so much that when he gets older he'll work hard and make a lot of money or he'll spend every cent he makes and be so broke that he'll be begging me for money.
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