Sunday, June 6, 2010

Ian's 1st Birthday

It is my big boys birthday. I am so happy he is in my life. What a blessing. We had a party for him yesterday. These pictures are very out of order but enjoy!!!

Yummy birthday cupcake!

Ian and daddy have their sports shirts on.

He is starting to get messy now.

Some of Ian's birthday presents.

A Kiss Sandwich from mommy and daddy. (For those of you that don't know that really is me, I colored my hair dark)

Aw, that smile warms my heart!

Ian's cute point. You can't really see it, my camera sinks!

Ian opening presents.

More opening presents.

I love this photo. Doesn't he look cute in a hat???

Ian was giving everyone kisses and we have it on video.

Matt and Ian are in matching basketball outfits. I love making them twinners.

Melting cupcakes with fondant basketballs.

The basketball cake that took me all day to make. It was my first time using/making fondant.

The sported up birthday highchair.

SO BIG!!!! And he is always crossing his feet in his highchair. I love him so much. This is a better focused picture of his sported up highchair too.

These are the things Ian does at 1 year old:

1. He does the cutest SO BIG and then claps for himself

2. He points at everything and but with his thumb out. He points to pictures in story books as I read about them to him.

3. He loves outside and cries if I won't let him out

4. He says, "mama" , "da", "ba, ba" (bye, bye), "bababa" (basketball), "ba" (ball)

5. He waves bye, bye

6. He is already into every cupboard

7.He likes to put toys under his dresser, in the vents, and down the stairs

8. He drinks from a sippy cup

9. He hates laying down for a diaper change

10. He throws himself back when he is having a fit

11. He loves broom brooms and makes the car noise

12. He still doesn't sleep through the night and he is an early riser

13. He loves kids and adores the kids at daycare

14. He has 6 teeth

15. He loves to sing and rocks out to the music his toys play

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